Fruit tree growing : walnuts

The walnut tree ( Junglas regia ) is vastly appreciated for its fruits but also for their wood which is used in making furniture.

Before you plant

1. Walnut trees need a soil pH between 6,5-7,5
2. The requirements for light are a bit higher as it does very well in full sun.
3. It can resist up to – 24,-26 C in winter . In spring , when the flowers are opened, they can resist up to -2C ( that is when you see damaged flowers) .
4. Walnut trees are mostly self-fertile but you can get better crops if cross-pollinated.

Keep in mind that there is a substance that the walnut releases called juglone and , yes , it can kill other plants that are near it but the english walnut ( Junglas regia ) only creates a small amount that does not hurt other plants.


1. Planting should be done in autumn but , if that is not possible, early spring will do.
2. The hole should be big enough for the entire root system
3. You should be careful with choosing the right spot when planting a walnut tree. Depending on the cultivar or if you grow it from seeds they can grow as high as 30 meters.
6 If you choose to plant an entire row or just 2-3 walnut trees than keep a distance of minimum 6 m between them.

If you choose to grow the walnut from seeds the tree will be vigorous so I suggest a 8-10 m distance between trees.


1. Walnut trees mostly form their own canopy ( but you can also choose to prune it after planting so you can speed up its growth).
2. Pruning should be done in summer to early autumn.
3. On mature trees just prune the damaged or dead branches.

Pests and diseases

Walnut anthracnose – caused by the fungus Gnomonia leptostyla

Walnut leaf gall mite –Eriophyes erineus

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