Fruit tree growing : blackberries

Blackberries(Rubus plicatus) belong to the family Rosaceae and are grown for their tasty and nutritious fruits.

Blackberries are quite unique. Their root system is perennial and so is their crown ( the base of the plant) but the cannes are biannual. After they bear fruit they die.

Before you plant :

1. Blackberries need a soil pH between 5,6-6,5

2. Blackberry cultivars with thorn are more rezistant to low temperatures during winter ( -25 C)than cultivars that are thornless ( -15 °C).  Opened flowers are damaged by frost at -1,1 °C.

3. It requires water when fruits are beginning to grow. Under drought conditions the fruits will remain small and will not ripe.

4. You can choose from 3 different types of blackberries : trailing ( usually need a support system) , semi erect and erect ( does not need o support system).

Planting :

  1. Blackberries should be planted in early spring

2. In case of drought, water the plants after planting.

3. The space between plants is directly related to the type of blackberries you have. For trailing blackberries 0.9-1.5 meters should be enough, for semi erect 1.5-2 meters and for erect blabkberries spacing should be 0.5-1 meters.

4. Make sure the hole is big enough to fit the root.


  1. In spring you should cut the tips of the canes. This will force the canes to procduce more wood and expand

2. In summer, after harvest, remove the fruiting canes as they will not bear fruit next year.

3. Remove canes if damaged of diseased.

Pests and diseases

Spotted wing drosophila – Drosophila Suzuki

Redberry mite – Acalitus essigi

Raspberry Crown Borer – Pennisetia marginata

Cane and leaf rust – Kuehneola uredinis

Root Rot – Armillaria mellea

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