Cuban oregano

Although is a succulent, it’s also a plant of the mint family which you can use in so many ways.

Its medicinal, aromatic, spicy and has everything you want in a plant : pretty, easy to grow, easy to multiply, very tasty and extra healthy.

Although is in the mint family( which are pretty resistant outdoor), the best way to grow it is in a pot, so in the fall you can move it inside.

The size of the pot depends on the size of the plant. My advice is to get a big pot, so you can easily multiply it by cuttings ( cut it just over the leaves and stick it into the soil, which is kept pretty moist until the cuttings make roots).

The plant can grow pretty tall ( up to 75 cm ) so that’s why the big pot,  which should stay in a place where it gets most light during the day.

You can also keep it as a subshrub or a cascading vine, it’s all in your hands and how you cut it.

Another reason why you should keep it in a pot is that is insect repellent, good for your house but bad for your garden because it keeps the worms away.

Water needs : like all succulents it has a very high water storage in the leaves so water only when the soil is completely dry. Nobody can say how often that will be, so just keep an eye on that.

Light requirements : bright light is ideal, but not direct sunlight. In the summer they can tolerate partial shade, so if you move your pot under a tree for that period it should be thriving.

Enjoy growing this awesome plant for whatever purpose you feel it’s most useful. I honestly just used it for cooking until now, but winter came and will try the decongestant ability she has by boiling a few of the leaves.

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