Save your own seeds : Butternut squash

The cheapest and best way to grow a garden is to save your own seeds ( in my opinion ) . Here are 5 reason why ( if I convince just 2 people of saving and sharing their seeds I'm mega happy:) ). So here are the magic 5 reasons : 1. You can choose the variety you like ( like it happened with my butternut …

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Fruit tree pests : apple clearwing moth

The apple clearwing moth or red belted clearwing ,  Synanthedon  myopaeformis, is regarded as a very important pest due to the damage it's larva does to trees. How to spot it Adult flight begins in June and ends in late August , reaching it’s peak in mid-July.The eggs are laid , singly, in cracks , pruning cuts, wounded bark. The larva feeds on the cambium layer for two years. …

Continue reading Fruit tree pests : apple clearwing moth